Standard Miniatura Wirebag
Standard Miniatura Wirebag
Standard Miniatura Wirebag
Standard Miniatura Wirebag


Standard Miniatura Wirebag


Refined from the signature STANDARD WIREBAG, the STANDARD MINIATURA collection is presented in a petite style. Attached with a sturdy metal chain just like other mini bags from Anteprima, you can be hands-free or hold it as a top-handle bag for different occasions. Add this bag to elevate your energetic yet youthful style at ease.

  • Size: W: 18.5cm H: 16cm

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ANTEPRIMA WIREBAG uses only the most exquisite materials, including an exclusive wire that is crafted in a wide range of colors, to hand-knit lightweight creations that gleam with just a hint of light.

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ANTEPRIMA WIREBAG uses only the most exquisite materials, including an exclusive wire that is crafted in a wide range of colors, to hand-knit lightweight creations that gleam with just a hint of light.

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